Current Events Bulletin Board |
Ash Wednesday Services - March 5, 2025
12 noon — Healing and Distribution of Ashes in St. Luke’s Chapel.
7 pm — Service, Distribution of Ashes in St. Luke's Chapel.
Thursday Soup, Salad and Service
Each Thursday in Lent will have a light supper at 5:30 pm followed by a short service at 6 pm. This is the schedule:
March 6 at Holy Apostles
March 13 at St. James
March 20 at St. John’s
March 27 at TEC
April 3 at St. James
April 10 at TEC
There is a signup sheet for March 27 and April 10 in the hallway behind the main altar. Two Soups, Two Salads, Bread/Butter and a service leader will be needed.
Vigil At the Altar of Repose
On Maundy Thursday, after the 7 pm service, there will be a Vigil in St. Luke’s Chapel from 8 until midnight with Compline at 11:45 pm. There is a signup sheet on the board behind the main altar.
Father Tim
What a blessing! Father Timothy Albright has asked if he could celebrate with us for two Sundays a month! The Vestry gave a resounding YES. Father Kurt will lead our Eucharist on the 2nd and 4th Sundays and Father Tim on the 1st and 3rd. When there is a 5th Sunday in the month, one of our Lay Leaders will prepare a Morning Prayer service. Truly a gift for us here at Trinity.
Phone and Email Update
As time goes by, we sometimes forget to update our addresses, phone numbers and email information at the office. If this is the case for you, please contact Kristy Sarge at the office 570-622-8720 or email your updated info to
Prayer List
We are in the process of renewing our prayer list. If you would like someone included in that list, please call the office at 570-622-8720 and let Kristy know.
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour is held on the second Sunday of each month. We invite a family or individual to sign up to bring a treat to share for fellowship after the service. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway behind the altar. Individuals or families are needed for Pentecost on June 8.
Advent Project
Thinking ahead to the fall of 2025– if you happen to see travel-size items during the year, please donate them at any time and we will store them at the church in anticipation of the 2025 project. Please NO body wash or soaps — the nursing homes do not want them and no partially used items. Thank you again and God bless you all for making this so successful.
United Thank Offering
As we approach the Lenten season, please consider giving up that extra coffee at Dunkin or any other small pleasure and putting that money into your UTO box. When we have our Ingathering Sunday in October your seemingly small donations will combine with many others to provide a large difference for many in the world and Northeastern PA. Thank you in advance.
Trinity’s 200th Anniversary
In 2027 we will be celebrating our parish’s 200th anniversary! It seems like a long way off, but it will be here sooner than we think. A committee needs to be formed to discuss possible events for this momentous celebration. A liaison with the Historical Society should be part of this. If you are interested in serving on a committee or have any ideas for events, please speak to any member of the Vestry to begin this process. Many thanks!
Please note: event notices to be included in the bulletin are due to the office by NOON on the WEDNESDAY before the Sunday they are requested to be in the bulletin.
Counters Needed
We need counters for Sunday mornings after the service. We still have only 4 counters and when several are away, the counting and subsequent deposit are delayed. Another opportunity for ministry which only takes a couple of hours per month when there are more volunteers. Please speak to any member of the Vestry if you feel called for this ministry. Thank you.